Monday, 17 February 2014

Pitch - Recollection & Reconstruction

Broken Down Ideas for Pitch

THEME: How people recall the same thing differently, highlighting how memory works and how people focus on different things when recalling a memory.

INTENTION: My intention is to film an event and ask 3 people to write a report on that event. Then using those reports reconstruct that event to emphasise my theme of how people remember things differently. Then by using their reports as voice-overs show what they remembered and what was similar and different about each recollection.

STRUCTURE: The film will take the structure of multi-screens. It will be in a 4 square grid with the video of the actual event in the top left and the reconstructions filling the other spaces. At first the only one shown will be the real event, then once that has played through once the reconstructions will start. So that each one gets enough attention the voice over’s will follow along with each video. Whenever there is a similarity all the voices will be at the same level to highlight that the same thing has been remembered. (All voice-overs will be played at once but the 2 that aren’t the focus at the time will be at a lower level – this will be done to create a better stereo field)

STORY: As this film isn’t narrative based I have focused more on the style. If my idea was to be picked the first order of business as such would be to decided as a team what the narrative of the event will be. As it would need details big enough for either all 3 people to remember or just 1 person to remember it will be easier to come up with the event as a group and communicate it as a group.

STYLE: This idea relies on pulling the audiences attention.  So the style of the reconstructions will be heavily mediated in that they will be basically black and white and the key things that are highlighted within the report will be in colour and in regards to the focus the only things in focus within the reconstructions will be those that were recollected. However the original event will be filmed normally to show the contrast. With the reconstructions they will have a blurry dream like effect to show the uncertainty of recollection and how a lot of things are forgotten when remembering something.

CHARACTERS: The voice over’s are an important part as they can technically form characters for those reporting. As the reports will be the basis for scripts for each reconstruction they will include elements of the witnesses character and they could be considered characters within the film. However as this isn’t narrative based and it relies heavily on the reports no character building is needed.

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