Friday, 28 February 2014

Shots for Time Art

3 MAIN shots

1 no tech
2 fill shot(bus stop)
3 loads of tech

1st shot has person standing in street

2nd shot is fill space between the 2 people – just the space between where they are standing.

3rd shot person is in the middle of busy town/ city, headphones on, laptop bag with phone and loads of technology.

All shots LS portrait - tight to person top of head is top of frame bottom of feet is bottom of frame

Would like to edit to make it look glitch, and to do this I want to get fill shots of fields, busy town centres just to cross over with everything, make it look busy/ quiet etc.  – Get around 3 of those…

SHOT 1 – person standing in the street, looking past the camera (get 2 of these, stills for 2 minutes each)

SHOT 2 – blank space of town; get 2 of these for 2 minutes

SHOT 3 - person on phone in the street looking at phone, holding laptop bag, with headphones on (get 2 of these for 2 minutes)

1 – 1 minute of still of Farnham Park
2 – 1 minute of still of traffic (from a distance)
3 – 1 minute of still low shot of people walking?
4 – 1 minute of close ups of characters in shot (2 for each person)

1 comment:

  1. Have you dropped the bus stop idea? I thought it might be interesting to use a bus composited coming in to the frame as wipe to help the film loop. the shots you are decribing don't seem to link very strongly.Can you explain more your idea development? What is your comment on the use of technology? what are you hoping the audience will be think about whilst watching the film?
