My idea is to have the screens as an output to show todays culture with technology.
There will be 2 different people stood waiting at a bus stop or just waiting and they will either on the phone, listening to music or just standing there.
I want to highlight how technology has become part of our every day routine and that it means we forget how to communicate properly.
Its taking the idea of being able to wait and not have to pass time.
In today's culture people brought up with technology forget how to communicate traditionally. It has meant that passing time has become something we feel we need to do. Instead of potentially 'living in the moment' or appreciating the day we now feel we need time to 'hurry up' so we can get on with our lives. When the truth is that sometimes it is good to take your time and to not be doing something constantly.
When editing I may speed up the film on the right to show how their time will go faster but some times that is not a good thing. The screen in the middle will be at normal speed and potentially the one on the left would be slightly slower.
I will be the one on the left as I don't see the need to rush and hurry time. As much as this isn't a very powerful message once the message is received it should get the audience thinking about how time is spent.
It really is personal preference and I think if I make my film this way it can be taken in different ways, both positively and negatively and will not push my opinion on the audience meaning it will be more relatable.
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