Friday, 7 November 2014

Final Idea - A break down

We wanted to create an immersive piece of installation work  based on the spiritual journey of the afterlife. By using sound and light as visuals we wanted to make the viewer on an emotional journey to take what we have researched after life to be like.

Originally our final idea was to create a mask for the viewer to wear so that the viewer is fully immersed in the experience.
However we thought that could prove to be quite complicated, so decided to present it in a box that the audience would look in to.

With a mixture of lights fading in and out within the box, put together with sound that is made from a specific range of frequencies this should hopefully be quite a calming experience. The limit of time aloud would be 2 and a half minutes maximum  due to potential health and safety otherwise the viewer could potentially hurt their ears and eyes.


Duration: the visuals and audio will be on a loop but it will be 2 - 2 and a half minutes long. The reason for it looping would be so people can watch from any point.

Visuals: They will be created in after effects it would simply be black fading to an off white (maybe a beige because bright white could hurt the viewers eyes at such close range) Thus creating a calming experience. Throughout the parts that are light there will be silhouettes of people/faces getting closer to the audience as the duration goes on, almost like they are walking through a tunnel , which from our research is a common occurrence in near death experiences.
We would like the visuals  to be all over the box to give the viewer an all round feeling, like it's surrounding them.

Sound: ideally we would like to use binaural sound so that it moves in and out with the visuals. Another idea was to move the sounds round the viewers head making them feeling disorientated.
The collections of frequencies would not only be audible but you can also feel the lower frequencies in your chest.
There will be a sub bass of around 30Hz and on top of that we will layer other higher frequencies that harmonise with each other to create a tone that is calming.
 Another part would be a deep voice telling the viewer to wake up as some people have experienced that too. However it wouldn't be the main part of the audio.

Presentation: we would quite like to build a box from wood that could either fit a computer screen in it or create a periscope type box that has mirrors to reflect lights that we put in it, meaning that we can create most of the visual physically rather than all on computer.  
We will be testing both ideas to see which one works best.

1 comment:

  1. This is quite an old post and I can't find anything newer. I know you have done more than this so you should try to bring your blog up to date.
